Monday, February 25, 2008

Donaldson Center Febuary 23

I decided to do the Junior race today because I am low on money and I figured I could make some considering it was free to enter. It was probably one of the slowest Junior races I have ever been in. It was more like a group ride. It was still a lot of fun. I didn't know any of other kids names except for Calum. There were a lot of Les Amis boys; about 7 or so. None of them wanted to do any work. I tried attacking a few times but the group always brought me back. Calum just hung in behind me as I was teaching him about staying out of the wind. Some kid led the entire group for 2 laps until the end when he got burned out. In the last 2 miles of the race I found myself on the front with people attacking and I had to cover every one of them. About a half mile out some guy I didn't know attacked hard and I spent the next 400 meters or so catching up to him. When I caught him I decided to just go hard and sprint at the end. All worked well as I found Calum right on my wheel and the group about 2 bike lengths back. Calum started to go and I put in everything I had into the sprint and won by about a half bike length. Great job to Calum. He has some talent.
Warming up before the race

Sprinting For The Line

1 comment:

browneyedgrl said...

you're sex-tastic

hannah montana

(best of both worlds!)

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